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I first learned window cleaning while working at a car dealership when I was in Bible College. Every month a man would come and wash our windows and I watched and asked a lot of questions. After teaching me he told me, "Raise you right hand and repeat after me, 'I do solomnly swear not to reveal the ingredients in Secret Substance!'" Believe it or not I was dumb enough to do that! ;-) So don't ask!

Hey I'm Erick Ness. I pastor a church, but when you preach like I do, you have to keep a day job! Lol! Actually I have been bivocational since before I moved to the valley over 18 years ago. Window washing helps me pay the bills and helps to keep me in the ministry of pastoring our church.


I love the relationships I have built with hundreds of people in the Mt. Washington Valley! The Valley is a great place to be, my coustomers are a great group of people I get to work with and the views I get to see while washing windows are stunning!


Give me a call and I'd love to see how I can help! 603.447.2878

Clear View Window Cleaning

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